Thursday, January 30, 2020

The Significance of African American History Essay Example for Free

The Significance of African American History Essay Dictionary. com defined the word history as â€Å"continuous† systematic narrative of past events as relation to a particular people, country, period, person, according to the meaning of the word History, it full knowledge will improve African American status. Despite the transition of Africans from West Africa to America and used them as slaves to work on tobacco and sugar plantations for many years, they had the privilege to be a part of this grate and powerful nation which empower them economically, on cultural plan and a standard of civilization. The economic aspect can be remarkable in many ways. In the book the â€Å"African American Odyssey† By Darlene Clark Hine, William C. Hine, Stanley Harold on page six said that â€Å"West Africans were making iron tools long before European arrived† Therefore African Americans worked very and used their abilities and techniques and applied them to their had duties that they had here. Blacks increased the growth of the American Nation, one example of that is how they built the white house and other various things we use in the U. S today. All their contributions increased the progress of the economy. There are a number of aspects of African American cultures that were highlighted by the period of slavery. The outcome is a powerful and unique culture that continues to have a positive effect on conventional American culture, not only to that, it extends to the broader world as well. Tough slaves played an important role in it altogether, which restricted the African Americans to practice their rich culture in America, their culture has still survived, be it their beliefs, values other practices of the society, and cultural traditions have mixed beautifully with the European American culture. Fore instance in food industry, we have French bread. When it comes to fast food, we also have a French word called French fry. Elements of civilization can also be characterized in different perspective’s. After slavery African-Americans continued to prosper. According to the Civil Rights Act of 1866 African Americans now began too share the same legal rights with white Americans. For example voting rights were permitted for African Americans. Also integrated schools were becoming more and more common as time progressed. These rights, laws and rights to education gave people like George Washington Carver chances and opportunities to have honorable personalities. In Conclusion With all these events playing out from slavery to freedom blacks have come along way. They helped the economic stand point of this nation in ways of their labor that they provided, they helped socially by bringing the African culture to America bringing things like food, and music, ect. The emancipation of blacks opened many doors, African Americans took a great toll, coming from such a dark past and and still being able to grasp the torch of education, and knowledge gave people like Barack Obama the right to sit in the seat he is in today. In my opinion the trial and triumphs they encountered were all preparations for us to conquer the future.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Substance Abuse :: Drug Addiction Essays

substance Abuse Substance abuse is just one of the problems facing the United States today. Even though it seems like a big problem, it actually first started in the 1800’s when the first drugs were smuggled. This only began the never ending path of illegal drugs flowing through the U.S. In the 1950’s, a therapeutic drug was introduced called Phencyclidine (PCP), later nicknamed angle dust. Doctors soon found that the drug caused hallucinogenic side effects. It was then pulled. The drug soon reappeared in the sixties and seventies. They were made by amateur chemists for an illegal drug trade. People began to smoke, inhale it, or inject it. Effects included confusion, lack of coordination, slurred speech, and blurred vision. Physical effects include: increased heart rate and blood pressure, sweating, drooling, fever, and muscle rigidity. An overdose can result in a coma, brain hemorrhage, and heart failure. It has been steadily declining in the U.S. Another type of drug is crack, which is a form of smokeable cocaine. This has become a serious health problem. The problem is that it’s low cost makes it more accessible to people. I is also more damaging both physically and psychologically than cocaine.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As the result, people were trying to get as many drugs as they could. Many soon progressed to smuggling the drugs in. The number of drugs to be smuggled into the U.S has been increasing. The first known drug smugglers were the Chinese in 1870. They began smuggling opium in merchant ship cargo and baggage. By the 1970’s drug smuggling became more of a problem for the coast guards and seizures were made while engaged in other operations. The coast guards, between 1997 to the present, had seized 540,476 pounds of cocaine, 270,060 pound of marijuana. The major high intensity drug trafficking areas are Los Angeles, Houston, Miami, New York City, and the US/Mexico border. Not only did people smuggle drugs over sea, but they would smuggle it over borders. Many thought of outrageous ways to hide the drugs. Women would sew them in their bras; drugs would be stashed under hats, in shoes, in socks, etc. Anywhere you could possibly think, people thought of it. They wer e addicted.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Cocaine, Heroin, Methamphetamine, and marijuana all cross into the U.C hidden among eighty-four million cars, two hundred and thirty two million people, and 2.8 million trucks estimated cross the 38 ports of entry spanning 200 miles.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Advanced Internet Application Development

The page you create should alternate between a summary display and an editor display. When the user first arrives on your page, show a summary list of contacts in a Greedier. In It, each name has an edit link beside it. 2. When the user presses an Edit link or button, open an edit screen so the user can change the name or contact Info for person listed by the link. When doing this, hide the summary information.The user should get a screen much like this: There should be no screen flicker when the summary panel is hidden and the edit anal is displayed. 3. You are welcome to design your own Implementation, but one way accomplish the page Is to create an paternal and Insert two Panel controls as Illustrated here: Copyright 02014 Doug Steel. All rights reserved. This material may not be reproduced, displayed, modified or distributed without the express prior written permission of the copyright holder.Page 1 4. This is an Ajax assignment, so there is no need to create persistent storage u sing a database. 5. Upload your assignment to the MIS. Cull. Deed server for grading. Please contact our ABA manager, Chris Ware, if you need help accessing your account. Submission Turn In your assignment on the MIS server (mils. Cull. Deed) on or before the due date. Late assignments are accepted but they accrue late penalties of 20 points (20 percent) per day after a 24 hour grace period.Assignments submitted more than 5 days after the grace period earn a grade of zero. Please note: 0 Assignments must be submitted on the Web server. (Instructions for accessing the server are at the bottom of the server home page at http://mils. Cull. Deed. ) Assignments turned in via e-mail or thumb drive will not be graded. Page 2 prohibited from â€Å"pre grading† or telling you about mistakes before you submit your work.Grading Criteria The grader will consider the following attributes of the project you submit 0 The project should compile and run without generating error messages 0 The code should be neat, organized, and easy to follow 0 Your submission should have a few comments in the code that explain what is to be accomplished and how it will be accomplished. 0 The program should meet the specifications spelled out in the problem statement. It should produce the correct output for a given input Page 3

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Christopher Columbus Essay examples - 1074 Words

Touted as the founder of America, Christopher Columbus has been heralded in the US and Spain for over five hundred years. As children, we were taught that Columbus was a dreamer. He had far-fetched ideas about the world being round, instead of flat as it was once thought to be. And when someone finally gave him the opportunity to prove his theory, he discovered America and named its inhabitants â€Å"Indians†. Just as shocking as finding out that the Tooth Fairy is one of your parents, this version of Columbus couldn’t be further from the truth. The real truth about Columbus is far different and less magical than what we have come to accept as the truth. Christopher Columbus (Cristobal Colon in Spanish, Cristoforo Columbo in†¦show more content†¦Columbus’ ship was burned and he survived only be swimming six miles to shore. After regaining his strength, without money or position, Columbus made his way to Lisbon where he arrived in 1477. Soon after he arri ved, he began sailing for Italian merchants to Northern Atlantic ports. His travels kept him busy with trips as far away as Iceland. However, Columbus did find the time to meet and marry Felipa Perestrello of Portugal. In their brief marriage, Columbus fathered a son before his wife died, only two years after they first met. Later, he would have another son out of wedlock. The next four years up until 1484, Columbus spent his time devising a way to sail to the Indies. He studied maps and text provided to him by the king of Portugal. While Felipa’s family had not had much money, they were still nobility, which gave Columbus access to the Portuguese court and the King. It was during this time that Columbus came up with his plan to find a westward route to Asia. Contrary to modern day textbooks, by the end of the 15th century, most everyone knew that the Earth was a sphere. The question that remaining was the size of the Earth. Columbus wanted the opportunity to explore and hope fully discover a new route to Asia and to the mythical land that Marco Polo had referred to—Cipango (Japan). In 1484, the King of Portugal denied his request saying that it was too expensive, that Columbus was aShow MoreRelatedEssay on Christopher Columbus? Or Not Christopher Columbus?1329 Words   |  6 Pages On Columbus Day students across the nation will learn how Columbus discovered the New World and about his fantastic travels to the New World. Children will learn poems, stories, songs and rhymes about his travels and about himself as well on this day. When introduced to Columbus as a young student he is portrayed as a respectful gentleman and as a hero, when in reality he is a selfish man who takes advantage of lesser people and schools should be teaching their students about who Columbus reallyRead MoreThe Christopher Columbus741 Words   |  3 Pages Little may one know about Christopher Columbus, other than the fact that â€Å"Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492†. Even though he was claimed to have discovered the Americas, he was never the first to arrive there because (according to historians) the Vikings were there first. But, his discovery led other people in Europe know about the Americas therefore changing the world. Columbus shaped the world as we know it today. Columbus was born around 1451 in the republic of Genoa (what today wouldRead MoreChristopher Columbus And The Columbus1365 Words   |  6 PagesChristopher Columbus Most people think of Christopher Columbus as the person who discovered the Americas. However, Leif Ericson, a Viking, was the first European to see the Americas. â€Å"Christopher Columbus - born Cristoforo Colombo but was called in Spain Cristobal Colon†(Heat-Moon 4) was born to Domenico Colombo and Susanna Fontanarossa sometime between August 25 and October 31, 1451 in Italy near Genoa (Heat-Moon 4). â€Å"Christopher Columbus had four other siblings; Bartholomew Columbus, BianchinettaRead MoreChristopher Columbus And The Columbus898 Words   |  4 Pages Christopher Columbus â€Å"In fourteen hundred ninety-two / Columbus sailed the ocean blue.† In grade school, I was taught this rhyme to learn about Christopher Columbus. Most of what I learned about Christopher Columbus then, was that he thought the world was round (and others didn’t); and that he wanted to sail to India, but messed up, and landed in America, calling the natives â€Å"Indians.† As I grew older, I learned a little bit more about Columbus’s trips to the Americas. I was told that ChristopherRead MoreThe Journey Columbus By Christopher Columbus1628 Words   |  7 PagesDeveloped Through the Uncovering of San Salvador in 1492 Christopher Columbus’s adventitious finding of San Salvador led to the initial European â€Å"discovery† of the New World. Columbus, an Italian explorer, attempted to sail west from Spain to India, funded by King Ferdinand II of Aragon and Queen Isabella of Castile (Christopher Columbus’s Exploration). He sailed west using three boats: the Nià ±a, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria (Christopher Columbus the Italian Explorer). They reached the island of GuanahaniRead MoreThe Voyage of Christopher Columbus1541 Words   |  7 PagesAmerican History I 07/08/05 Christopher Columbus Voyage to North America Spanish exploration first began with a series of revolutions. First, the Commercial Revolution generated economic stability. Second, the Intellectual Revolution generated interest in the Earths composition and the pursuit of exploration. Europe then called for a political revolution to end the disorganized and disorderly rule of its government. This revolution returned order and stability to the government and renewed interestRead MoreChristopher Columbus Essay1097 Words   |  5 PagesChristopher Columbus was born in 1451 at Genoa. Genoa was a seaport that was on the Ligurian sea. His name was Cristoforo Colombo and that was translated into English as Christopher Columbus. Christopher Columbus had two brothers, which he was older than both. Christopher Columbus had little schooling just like most of the people during that age. Genoa was a busy seaport and Christopher Columbus learned much from the sailors. Christopher Columbus’s father was a poor weaver. Christopher Columbu s workedRead MoreChristopher Columbus Is Not A Hero Essay1610 Words   |  7 PagesChristopher Columbus is commonly known as the â€Å"discoverer† of the Americas. From a young age students are taught all the wonderful things he did for our land and how well he interacted with the Natives. Although the truth is disregarded and as students grow, they come to learn that Columbus was not a hero in fact. Columbus came close to causing a genocide of the Native Americans, and basically began the â€Å"white power† movement that America is forced to deal with today. The truth of what ChristopherRead More Christopher Columbus Essay474 Words   |  2 Pagesin search of a direct sea route from Europe to Asia, Christopher Columbus accidentally discovered the Americas. However, in four separate voyages to the Caribbean from 1492 to 1504, he remained convinced that he had found the lands that Marco Polo reached in his overland travels to China at the end of the 13th century. To C olumbus it was only a matter of time before a passage was found through the Caribbean islands to the cities of Asia. Columbus was not the first European to reach the Americas VikingsRead MoreEssay on Christopher Columbus1931 Words   |  8 Pagesdeeply held, yet imperfectly understood, beliefs. The role of history in the iconography of the United States is pervasive, yet the facts behind the fiction are somehow lost in an amorphous haze of patriotism and perceived national identity. Christopher Columbus, as a hero and symbol of the first order in America, is an important figure in this pantheon of American myth. His status, not unlike most American icons, is representative not of his own accomplishments, but the self-perception of the society