Sunday, January 5, 2020

Christopher Columbus Essay examples - 1074 Words

Touted as the founder of America, Christopher Columbus has been heralded in the US and Spain for over five hundred years. As children, we were taught that Columbus was a dreamer. He had far-fetched ideas about the world being round, instead of flat as it was once thought to be. And when someone finally gave him the opportunity to prove his theory, he discovered America and named its inhabitants â€Å"Indians†. Just as shocking as finding out that the Tooth Fairy is one of your parents, this version of Columbus couldn’t be further from the truth. The real truth about Columbus is far different and less magical than what we have come to accept as the truth. Christopher Columbus (Cristobal Colon in Spanish, Cristoforo Columbo in†¦show more content†¦Columbus’ ship was burned and he survived only be swimming six miles to shore. After regaining his strength, without money or position, Columbus made his way to Lisbon where he arrived in 1477. Soon after he arri ved, he began sailing for Italian merchants to Northern Atlantic ports. His travels kept him busy with trips as far away as Iceland. However, Columbus did find the time to meet and marry Felipa Perestrello of Portugal. In their brief marriage, Columbus fathered a son before his wife died, only two years after they first met. Later, he would have another son out of wedlock. The next four years up until 1484, Columbus spent his time devising a way to sail to the Indies. He studied maps and text provided to him by the king of Portugal. While Felipa’s family had not had much money, they were still nobility, which gave Columbus access to the Portuguese court and the King. It was during this time that Columbus came up with his plan to find a westward route to Asia. Contrary to modern day textbooks, by the end of the 15th century, most everyone knew that the Earth was a sphere. The question that remaining was the size of the Earth. Columbus wanted the opportunity to explore and hope fully discover a new route to Asia and to the mythical land that Marco Polo had referred to—Cipango (Japan). In 1484, the King of Portugal denied his request saying that it was too expensive, that Columbus was aShow MoreRelatedEssay on Christopher Columbus? Or Not Christopher Columbus?1329 Words   |  6 Pages On Columbus Day students across the nation will learn how Columbus discovered the New World and about his fantastic travels to the New World. Children will learn poems, stories, songs and rhymes about his travels and about himself as well on this day. 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